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The Plurality bookis broken up into different components which are referred to as Parts, Chapters, Sections, and occasional Subsections.


Parts divide the content of ⿻數位 Plurality into sections of broadly connected concepts and ideas. The aim of Parts is to guide readers into the content that aligns most with their particular interests. There are currently 7 Parts.

In the Markdown file name, the first number indicates the Part, starting at 0.

Example: 6-2-health

Parts are not indicated within the contents of the markdown file.


Chapters are found within Parts. Chapters are used to break down Parts into a specific set of related ideas or concepts.

For example, Part 6 might be interesting for a reader who would like to learn more about how Plurality impacts the real-world in specific social sectors. Part 6, Chapter 2 will then focus in on the health sector.

The second number in the markdown file name indicates the Chapter number, starting at 0. The text following the number indicates the chapter name. Each single markdown file is one Chapter.

Example: 6-2-health

The Chapter title can also be found within the markdown file content, usually at the very top of the file, and is set off by a single "#".


Sections are found within Chapters. They are used to provide structure to a chapter, and to focus the readers attention to a specific idea.

Example: In 6-2-health, there is a section on "Reimagining Health Insurance"

The Section title can be found within a markdown file, somewhere below a Chapter, and is set off by a triple "###".


Subsections provide greater structure to a Chapter when required. The use of subsections should generally be avoided except when absolutely necessary.

The subsection title can be found within a markdown file, somewhere below a Section, and is set off by a quadruple "####".


Chapters in Parts 2-7 all begin with some sort of introductory material before the main substances of the chapter.

The introductory material is homogeneous in a Part and varies across Parts (e.g. Part 4 chapters all begin with an illustration of a currently deployed technology illustrating the idea of the chapter).

Introductory material should be separated from the rest of the text with ---.